PET/CT is the most advanced medical imaging technique used especially in oncology to detect the tumor, determine its degree (staging), evaluate the response to treatment, radiotherapy planning and, in some cases, determine whether the existing mass is benign or malignant. It is also used to determine the focus of epilepsy in epilepsy patients, to diagnose neurological cases such as Alzheimer’s disease at an early stage, and to investigate the presence of living tissue in the heart after a heart attack.
Its most important feature is that it provides functional information and takes whole body images in 3D.


PET-CT is an imaging device that is a combination of positron emission tomography and computed tomography.

Where is PET used?

The most common area of ​​use is oncological studies. (85%). Additionally, PET images can be performed in the heart (10%) and brain (5%).

1- In oncology studies, whole body images are taken. It provides information about whether the suspicious lesion contains cancer tissue, whether it has spread throughout the body, the effectiveness of the treatments, and recurrences after treatment.
2- Cardiac PET; Only images of the heart are taken. It is the most reliable method used to determine the viability of the heart muscle.
3- Brain PET; It is especially used in detecting the location of epileptic foci that are resistant to medical treatment and for which surgical treatment is considered, and in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and in distinguishing it from other types of dementia.

What are the materials used for PET extraction?

Today, FDG (2-Fluorodeoxy-D-glucose) bonded with f-18, which shows glucose metabolism, is mostly used (95%). In addition, positron emitting radionuclides such as C-11, N-13, O-15 are used to provide information about perfusion (blood supply), metabolism and receptors by binding with various agents. (most of these are used in routine).

How is PET scan done?

First of all, the patient’s blood sugar is checked. If it is between 60-150 mg/dl, the patient is laid down quietly for 45 minutes after the radioactive substance is administered intravenously in the prepared room for the drug to spread throughout the body. Before the medication is given, a sedating agent is given to reduce the patient’s muscle activity as much as possible. The patient spends this lying down period as still and without speaking as possible. At the end of the waiting period, the patient whose bladder is emptied is taken to the extraction room. The shooting is completed in 45 to 60 minutes.

After the imaging is completed, the patient rests in a waiting room for about 30 minutes. At that time, it is checked whether additional images are required. If additional imaging is not required, the patient can eat and drink something and is sent home.

Is the radiation dose received by the patient during PET scan high?

No, it is not higher than a patient who had a tomography scan. Since the radioactive substance is given to the patient, pregnant women and young children are asked to stay away until 4-5 hours after the injection.

What are the indications of PET in oncological cases?

1 – In investigating the possibility of malignancy of a mass detected by other imaging methods;
– Lung cancer
– Esophageal cancer
– Colorectal cancer
– Lymphoma
– Melanoma
– Ovarian-cervical cancers
– It can be used in head and neck cancers.

2 – In the initial staging of a known tumor mass before treatment and in its staging after treatment;
– Lung cancer
– Esophageal cancer
– Colorectal cancer
– Lymphoma
– Ovarian-cervical cancers
– It can be used in head and neck cancers.

3 – In evaluating the response to treatment; If the ineffectiveness of the chemotherapy the patient receives is detected in the early stages, the treatment schedule may change.

4 – In post-treatment follow-ups, evaluation of recurrences or residual tissue

5 – In staging the primary tumor and determining prognosis (especially in a known head and neck tumor or glioma)

6 – In determining the biopsy location in a known mass; A biopsy taken from the area where the uptake is intense does not provide the correct diagnosis. What are the patient preparations for PET imaging?



The day before the shooting, nothing will be eaten or drunk after 00:00 or 01:00 (only water is allowed). Telebrix 35/50ml is purchased from the pharmacy. Half of the medicine is mixed into 1.5 liters of drinking water. You will drink 2 glasses after 00:00 at night, 2 glasses when you wake up in the morning, and the remaining water will be brought to our center. It will be drunk before the shooting.


You can have a light breakfast between 06:00 and 07:00 on the day of the shooting. Afterwards, nothing will be eaten or drunk. (Only water can be drunk) Telebrix 350/50 ml. is purchased from the pharmacy. Half of the medicine is mixed into 1.5 liters of drinking water. 2 glasses will be drunk after breakfast, 2 glasses will be drunk before leaving home, the remaining water will be brought to our center. Drink before shooting.

The patient should wear thick clothes that do not contain metal (such as zippers).
He should definitely bring his old studies with him when he comes (films and reports he has taken).
At least 6 hours of fasting is required before shooting.
If he has diabetes, he should consult our doctor.
You must be at our center half an hour before your appointment time.
There will be absolutely no smoking, coffee or tea drinking.

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